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    6 Root Canal Myths

    No one looks forward to a root canal, but the procedure is needed to remove infections, repair cracks, or address internal injuries to take away the toothache you’ve been dealing with. Debunk some common root canal myths so you can go into the procedure with accurate information.

    Myth: A root canal is a procedure that removes the roots of my tooth.

    6 Root Canal MythsThe whole purpose of getting a root canal is to save your tooth, not remove it or the roots. Rather, the procedure cleans out and shapes the root canal on the inside only. Nerve tissue and pulp are removed, along with some of the interior side of the root, to ensure all bacteria causing your toothache have been eliminated.

    Myth: Getting a root canal is painful.

    The first thing that comes to mind when you’re told you need a root canal is that the process will be painful. However, any pain you feel is caused by the infection in your tooth, not the root canal treatment itself. In fact, the purpose of a root canal is to eliminate your pain. Thanks to local anesthetic used to numb your tooth and the surrounding tissues, getting a root canal is usually painless.

    If you’re still anxious about getting dental work done, you can request sedation dentistry options, including nitrous oxide (laughing gas), IV sedation, or general anesthesia.

    Myth: The dentist removes the nerves, so the tooth will no longer be sensitive.

    The good news is because the tooth’s nerves have been removed, it will no longer be sensitive to hot and cold temperatures. However, while your tooth will eventually feel completely normal, the area will be sensitive for a few days following the root canal. You can request medication to reduce inflammation if you feel too uncomfortable.

    Myth: I shouldn’t bother with a root canal because the tooth will need to be extracted eventually.

    This is an incorrect assumption. In fact, while some teeth that undergo root canals will be extracted eventually, most are successfully saved and last for many years to come, if not forever.

    Myth: My tooth doesn’t ache, so I don’t need a root canal.

    Pain is a classic symptom when identifying the need for a root canal, but many teeth that require treatment cause no pain. This is one reason why it’s important to see your dentist for regular cleanings and exams, even if you have great oral health habits at home.

    If you have a damaged tooth that causes you no pain, keep an eye out for a pimple-like growth near the damaged tooth. This “pimple,” known as a fistula, is a passageway that drains pus from the damaged tooth. This prevents pressure from building up in your tooth, which is why the infection causes no pain. The fistula may even come and go. However, the infected tooth requires treatment – probably in the form of a root canal – to prevent the infection from spreading to nearby tissues.

    Myth: After having a root canal, I won’t need to visit the dentist for a while.

    On the contrary, you should expect to return to the dentist office for a follow-up appointment to have a permanent filling or crown placed on your treated tooth. The temporary filling you received immediately after the root canal only protects the tooth from infection for a short time. A permanent filling or crown ensures bacteria won’t leak into the canal and re-infect your tooth.

    Call Evanson DDS for a Root Canal Consultation in Parker

    Our dental team here at Evanson DDS has many years of training and real-world experience performing root canals. When you meet with Dr. Evanson for your initial consultation, she’ll explain the procedure and answer any questions you have. By combining Dr. Evanson’s skill and training with our state-of-the-art dental office, we ensure you receive the best possible care. Call (720) 409-0008 to schedule your root canal consultation in Parker today!

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