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    Do I Have TMJ? Learn What to Look for During TMJ Awareness Month

    Do I Have TMJ? Learn What to Look for During TMJ Awareness Month

    November is dedicated to help those who suffer with TMJ disorder understand this condition and how to find relief. The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the joint that connects your jaw to your skull. It’s much like a sliding hinge to make the movement of your jaw glide smoothly while avoiding colliding with the bones in your skull. TMJ often occurs if the cartilage in your jaw is eroded, is inflamed, or if it becomes misaligned due to injury or overuse. If you are plagued with TMJ, Dr. Angela S. Evanson, DDS can help you learn ways to manage this condition and get some relief from this painful malady.  This is what you need to know in TMJ Awareness Month!

    What is TMJ Disorder? 

    There are two temporomandibular joints, one on both sides of your face, in front of your ears. TMJ refers to the joint, but it also relates to any symptoms or disorders of this area of your mouth. 

    TMJ disorders involve various symptoms of the muscles used for chewing and the joints that connect the lower jaw to the skull.

    What Causes TMJ Disorder?

    Although there isn’t a defined answer regarding what causes TMJ problems, there are a variety of reasons it occurs. It may be as simple as continuously clenching your jaw or grinding your teeth. Sometimes stress is a factor, but occasionally it is due to arthritis, jaw misalignment or damage from an injury. Although these reasons can point to why you have TMJ, a fair number of people with TMJ problems cannot pinpoint an obvious reason as to why they have it.

    How Do You Know When You Have TMJ Disorder?

    There are a few signs and symptoms that indicate when you have TMJ disorder. Some common symptoms include:

    • Popping and clicking in your jaw or having your jaw lock in place.
    • Pain when you yawn widely or experiencing pain when you chew gum, or when eating.
    • Frequent headaches, earaches, or pressure and pain behind your eyes.
    • Tender jaw muscles.
    • Swelling in your face.
    • Shoulder or neck pain and stiffness.

    There is a simple test you can do at home to see if TMJ disorder is causing any of the previously described symptoms. Put your finger over the joint in front of your ear, then open your mouth widely until you feel the TMJ joint move. If the joint clicks or feels tender, TMJ disorder may be the cause. If you have been plagued by the symptoms as described or if you suspect that you have TMJ disorder, call our office and make an appointment to see Dr. Evanson!

    How Can My Dentist Help Me with TMJ Disorder? 

    During TMJ Awareness Month, diagnosis is the first step of treatment. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Evanson and let her know what your symptoms are. She can prescribe some changes to reduce the wear and tear to the joint such as:

    Other treatments, may include:

    • A mouth night guard to minimize clenching and grinding your teeth.
    • Exercises to strengthen your jaw muscles.
    • Anti-inflammatory medications or muscle relaxers.
    • Dental work to fix an uneven bite.

    Make an Appointment Today

    If you are concerned about symptoms that indicate TMJ disorder, please contact our office online, or call (720) 409-0008. 

     You deserve to feel relief from the pain and discomfort of TMJ disorder, and the only way to do that is through proper diagnosis and treatment. Be assured that whatever type of therapy Dr. Evanson suggests, it will be the most appropriate therapy to treat your TMJ disorder. We look forward to helping you this TMJ Awareness Month!   

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