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    It’s Time to See the Dentist – Symptoms That Can’t Be Ignored

    It’s Time to See the Dentist – Symptoms That Can’t Be Ignored

    There are a few signs and symptoms that you should not be ignore when it comes to seeing the dentist. Routine examinations every 6 months will help keep your dental care in check, but if you have pain, bleeding, or other abnormal symptoms in between appointments, schedule a time to see Dr. Angela S. Evanson, DDS! 


    Pain is nature’s way of signaling that something isn’t right. Early detection of any dental problem can save unnecessary pain, expense, and extensive treatment. If you have persistent tooth pain that lasts for more than two days, call Dr. Evanson. 

    Tooth Decay:

    Cavity pain varies, but if it progresses to the point of decay, it can lead to infection and an abscessed tooth, which requires extensive treatment.

    Damaged Tooth:

    You can damage teeth in several different ways; falling, sports injuries, chewing on ice or a jawbreaker, etc. A cracked, chipped, or broken tooth will likely be painful. Teeth that are left jagged or sharp from an accident or injury can cut the inside of your mouth or tongue if it is left untreated.

    Pain When You Bite Down on Food:

    If you have experienced piercing pain when you bite down, you may have a filling that needs repaired, a crack in the tooth or potential problems with the root in your tooth. Don’t ignore this kind of pain. The sooner you see a dentist, the better you will feel, and you may save your tooth in the process.


    If your teeth are sensitive to hot or cold food and drink, pay attention. If you have a short burst of pain, it’s probably not serious. However, if the pain is prolonged and lasts for more than a minute or two, you may have an issue involving the pulp of your tooth.

    Painful Gums:

    Gums that bleed may indicate that you have an abscessed tooth or even worse, you may have gum disease. Gum disease, if caught early, can be reversed if it’s at the gingivitis stage. Don’t wait until it gets to advanced stages. If gum disease is not treated in its early stages, it can progress to periodontitis, which can lead to tooth loss and is more difficult to treat.

    Loose Teeth:

    If you have loose or broken teeth, this can compromise the integrity of the tooth, increasing the odds of losing that tooth permanently. You only get one set of natural teeth, so don’t hesitate to make an appointment with Dr. Evanson right away.

    Tooth Pain Treatment with Dr. Evanson 

    Depending on the source of the tooth pain, Dr. Evanson has many ways to treat you. For a small cavity, a filling will take care of the problem. If it is a major cavity that affects the pulp of the tooth, a root canal might be the solution. 

    • Broken, chipped, or cracked teeth might be repaired and sealed. If there is extensive damage, the tooth may need a crown or veneers. In some cases, we may have to remove the tooth and replace it with a partial denture.
    • For gum disease, regular flossing, brushing, and routine dental exams will get you on track. In some cases, scaling and root planing your teeth will help your gums to heal.

    You may not be able to identify what your symptoms mean, but that is Dr. Evanson’s job. Your job is to call when the symptoms surface so that she can get to the root of the problem. Don’t ignore a painful tooth! Call our office at (720) 409-0008 or contact us online for an appointment.

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