• 01 JUL 22
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    Summer Days and Your Child’s Dental Health

    Summer Days and Your Child’s Dental Health

    School’s out for the summer and without school conflicts, it’s the perfect time to schedule your child’s bi-annual dental examination. Summertime is a good time to focus on your child’s dental health, especially if there are any problems, such as wisdom teeth, cavities, etc. where more than one office visit might be necessary. Schedule your dental visit now, while the livin’ is easy!

    Summer Dental Appointments Help Keep You on Track 

    According to the American Dental Association (ADA) you should have a dental exam every six months in order to maintain the ideal oral health. The six-month time frame helps ensure that your teeth are clean and healthy. The six-month interval is also the optimum time to check for gum disease, enamel wear, and to detect any tooth decay or cavities early. Routine dental visits are vital because Dr. Angela S. Evanson, DDS can detect dental health problems early when treatment is more simple and more affordable. Scheduling an appointment during the summer, means you can calendar the next appointment during the winter break, which is another time when your children are out of school.

    Summer Days Usually Include More Sugar Consumption

    Summer time usually includes more sugar in your diet. Ice Cream, soda, and popsicles, are the foods of summer that all add up to more sugar than usual. This increase in sugar can take a toll on your children’s oral health. It’s not just kids who indulge, Adults also have a tendency to load up on sugary food and drinks this time of year.

    A visit to Dr. Evanson during the summer can help protect your teeth against the sugar blitz. For kids, it might be the right time to apply dental sealants to keep the grooves of their molars safe from decay. Adults might be on track for having your teeth cleaned to remove plaque buildup, which worsens with an increase in sugar consumption.

    Everyone should limit sugary drinks, and drink plenty of water or milk year-round. Avoiding soft drinks and energy drinks may be difficult to do when you’re at a cookout or barbecue, but the pay-off of having healthier teeth is worth it.

     Kids are always hungry. Now is the time to make sure your kitchen is stocked up with plenty of veggies, fresh fruits, nuts, and dairy products to maintain a healthy smile. There are lots of resources and ideas for keeping their hands out of the cookie jar or candy dish. In some cases, it’s just a matter of setting habits and patterns early in their lives.

    Routines During the Summer are Important

    A dental appointment during the summer can help protect your children’s teeth against irregular summertime schedules. The school year dictates a regular bedtime routine, but during the summer bedtimes can fluctuate. Unfortunately, teeth brushing routines may also fluctuate. Even if your kids are going to bed later than usual, don’t allow them to skip brushing their teeth. 

    Daily oral health habits make a difference in the health of your teeth.

    • Brush your teeth twice daily with fluoride toothpaste for two minutes each time.
    • Flossing helps to clean out the tight spaces between the teeth that your toothbrush misses.
    • Rinse your mouth with an antibacterial mouthwash before bedtime to kill germs that brushing and flossing might miss.

    Make Your Children’s Dental Health a Priority This Summer

    Dr. Evanson provides the skills and expertise to take care of your dental needs and the dental needs of your whole family. Contact us online or call our office at (720) 409-0008 to schedule your summer dental appointment now, while the livin’ is easy! 







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