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    Why Should I Visit My Dentist During Orthodontic Treatment

    Why Should I Visit My Dentist During Orthodontic Treatment

    If you wear traditional metal braces, you’re on your way to a healthier, straighter smile! Although your Orthodontist is a dental specialist, his or her role is to oversee the movement and the straightening of your teeth, not a full dental examination and cleaning as your regular dentist provides.

    Good oral hygiene is imperative, especially while wearing braces. In addition to brushing and flossing every day, make sure you schedule your professional cleaning and examination with Dr. Angela S. Evanson, DDS every six months.

    Why Should I Visit My Dentist During Orthodontic Treatment?

    Regular professional teeth cleaning removes tartar and plaque, which is important for everyone, but even more so when you’re wearing braces because food and bacteria have more places to hide. If not cleaned often, plaque and tartar can form around the brackets and lead to cavities. In addition to the professional cleaning, x-rays and a comprehensive examination will allow Dr. Evanson to get upfront and personal with your particular situation.

    Routine Examinations Help Protect Against Enamel Decalcification

    • Enamel decalcification is usually due to inadequate oral hygiene. Orthodontic or braces decalcification is common when you wear braces and don’t brush properly around the brackets. Bacteria found in dental plaque will convert carbohydrate and sugars into acids which causes minerals to leach out from enamel, or decalcification. High-sugar diets, lack of good oral hygiene practices are the main factors that contribute to decalcification of tooth enamel.


    • You can prevent decalcification from braces by getting rid of food debris and particles lodged in and around your brackets regularly. It’s more common for people wearing braces to experience decalcification indicated by chalky, white spots. This most commonly appears between the gums and brackets where plaque is the most difficult to remove. Maintaining an excellent oral hygiene routine will help you have a healthy, straight smile after your braces are removed.


    • Eating lots of sugary/acidic foods can also cause the decalcification, which implies that your tooth enamel is losing calcium resulting in discoloration. High levels of acidic foods and poor oral hygiene can lead to your teeth losing essential minerals. Wires and brackets complicate the plaque-removal process, and when plaque is allowed to linger on your teeth for an extended period of time you can experience enamel decalcification.


    • Unfortunately, decalcification is irreversible and can lead to cavities if not treated promptly. If decalcification continues, white spot lesions will get darker in color and eventually turn into a cavity.  This process is not reversible and your dentist might need to restore it with a filling.


    • Fortunately, decalcification is preventable by cutting back on acidic or sugary foods and eating high calcium foods such as leafy greens, almonds and cheese, along with brushing and flossing every day while maintaining regular appointments with Dr. Evanson every six months. She can help to prevent decalcification with professional cleaning while your smile is reshaped with braces.


    Water Flossers are Highly Recommended For Use With Braces

    As previously discussed, wearing dental braces might lead to serious oral health problems caused by plaque. Besides brushing and flossing, the easiest and the most efficient way to remove the plaque around the braces is to use a water flosser because traditional flossing with braces can be difficult.

    Nothing Replaces Regular Dental Appointments

    Brushing, flossing and using a water flosser does not replace the need to see Dr. Evanson on a regular basis. When your braces are removed, be sure to continue routine examinations with Dr. Evanson every six months to enjoy your nice new smile. To schedule an examination and teeth cleaning appointment, please contact Dr. Evanson online or call our office at (720) 409-0008.

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